From Cape Town to Chile: Jade’s Rugby Journey

Meet Jade Jordan Visagie, a 23-year-old Namibian rugby talent, whose journey from the UXi IRI Western Province Rugby International Rugby Institute to Los Lobos Rugby Club in Chile eXemplifies the spirit of resilience and determination.

Jade’s rugby odyssey began at the Western Province Rugby International Rugby Institute in 2021, where he honed his skills and emerged as a promising player.

In March 2023, Jade embarked on a new chapter in his rugby career, seizing the opportunity to play for Los Lobos Rugby Club in Chile. His journey to South America was facilitated by his eXceptional performance at the University of Namibia and the keen interest shown by the club.


Currently, Jade competes in the Second National league in Chile, proudly representing Los Lobos Rugby Club in Puerto Montt!

As Jade continues his rugby journey, he carries with him the lessons learned from his time at the academy and embraces the opportunities that lie ahead. His story serves as an inspiration to aspiring rugby players, demonstrating that with passion, perseverance, and resilience, anything is possible.

Jade, we celebrate your achievements and eagerly anticipate the greatness that lies ahead in your rugby career!